Type of Policy
Policy No
Last Revised
Review Date
Policy Owner
Controller's Office
Contact Name
Amy Herron
Contact Title
Contact Email
Reason for Policy

To provide guidance to schools, colleges, departments and units of the Institute as it relates to the accounting for grants awarded to the Georgia Tech Foundation (GTF) and administered by the Institute.

Policy Statement

This policy provides provide guidance to schools, colleges, departments and units of the Institute as it relates to the accounting for grants awarded to the Georgia Tech Foundation (GTF) and administered by the Institute.

Management of GTF and Financial Aid Projects

GTF and Financial Aid projects are managed by the Accounting Services Department. All other sponsored awards (including sub-projects) are managed by the Office of Grants and Contracts Accounting. GTF awards are handled in the same manner as other sponsored projects) as described in the Policies and Procedures referenced below.
Grants & Contracts: General Information
Grants & Contracts: Plan-Confirmation
Grants & Contracts: Undesignated Sponsored Accounts
Grants & Contracts: Unallowable Expenses
Grants & Contracts: Unbillable Sponsored Projects
Grants & Contracts: Cost Transfer Requests

Grants & Contracts: Write-off Requests
Grants & Contracts: Project Set Up in Grants Master
Grants & Contracts: Project Close-out in Grants Master
Grants & Contracts: Establishing a Sub-Project Account

Grants & Contracts: Sponsored Project Budget Revisions

Allowable Expenditures
All allowable expenditures relating to the grant will be processed through the Institute. Any expenditures determined to be unallowable by the Institute, but allowable to the grant, may be paid directly by the Foundation. Any such charges must be communicated to the Controller’s Office where a memo entry will be made to the project accounting records in order to properly accumulate and report costs incurred.


This policy applies to all schools, colleges, departments, and units of the Institute.

BudRevInput.xls (40.5 KB)
BudRevSpProj.xls (27.5 KB)
  • Campus Schools, Colleges, Departments or Units are responsible for managing GTF funds assigned to their unit.
  • The Controller’s Office and Bursar’s Office are responsible for overseeing GTF funds allocated to the Institute.

To report suspected instances of noncompliance with this policy, please visit Georgia Tech’s EthicsPoint, a secure and confidential reporting system, at: https://secure.ethicspoint.com/domain/en/report_custom.asp?clientid=7508

Policy History
Revision Date Author Description
08-2013 Policy Library Fixed Unbillable Sponsored Projects link
10-03-2014 Controller's Office Updates to verbiage. New gift transmittal form