The Bursar's Office is responsible for billing and collecting for goods and services to external parties for units of the Institute such as IPST and Facilities.
When requesting a billing, the college, department, or organizational unit must provide the following information on the Non-Student Invoice Request Form at this link:
- Name of originating office
- Name and telephone number of contact person in originating office.
- Name and address of customer to be billed.
- Telephone number of customer (if possible).
- Detailed description of services to be billed including any supporting documentation – See below
- Dollar amount to be billed.
- Revenue/expense account to be credited
- PeopleSoft project #
Supporting Documentation
A purchase order, authorization letter from the company, bill of lading, and any other documentation that supports the validity of the bill meets this requirement.
Please send the Non-Student Invoice Request Form and the supporting documentation to It can also be mailed to the following adresss:
Bursar's Office
Attn: Non-Student Invoicing
Suite 111 Lyman Hall
Mail Code: 0255
Accumulated Invoices Less than $25.00
Due to the cost of processing billings, charges should be accumulated until they reach a minimum of $25.00 per customer before being submitted for billing: However, these bills should not be accumulated for more than one calendar quarter without submission. Units having special requirements should contact the Bursar's Office at for advisement.
Billings Internal to the Institute
Billings between or within departments of the Institute should not be forwarded to the Bursar's Office. Internal billings should be handled with journal entries.
Billing Disputes
If an invoice is disputed by the customer, the Bursar's Office will contact the originating department for verification/direction. Copies of all pertinent information and communications with the customer as needed will be forwarded to the office that originated the billing. The originating office will be requested to provide any information relevant to the dispute within a ten day period. At that point, the originating office should either authorize to reverse the billing entry, confirm that the invoice is correct, or provide details regarding modification of the original bill. The Bursar's Office will contact the customer with the information received from the originating office.
If the Bursar's Office does not receive a response from the originating office within 30 days, the revenue credited to the originating office will be reversed and all documentation will be returned to the issuing department.
Note: Disputed invoices which cannot be resolved through the process defined above will be handled as necessary by the Bursar with the appropriate parties. When necessary, collections and/or legal action may be taken to collect past due invoices.
Units sending information to the Bursar's Office for invoices to be created are required to implement procedures internally to avoid accepting payment within the unit. Any such payments for invoices created by the Bursar’s Office received by the unit should be forwarded to the Bursar's Office for posting. They should not be deposited through a Daily Cash Transmittal Form.
Revision Date | Author | Description |
March 2015 | Bursars Office | Update policy contact information |
March 2018 | Bursars Office | Update contact information, Bursar's Office e-mail addresses, and forms |