Unallowed Procurements or Sensitive Procurements

Unallowed Procurements or Sensitive Procurements
Type of Policy
Policy No
Effective Date
Last Revised
Review Date
Policy Owner
Purchasing and Procurement
Contact Name
Erin Mitchell
Contact Title
Director of Procurement
Contact Email
Policy Statement

A purchase that is contrary to the rules and regulations established by State Purchasing Division or Board of Regents shall be void and of no effect. Any official of a state entity or institution who willfully purchases or causes to be purchased any materials, supplies or equipment contrary to the rules and regulations will be personally liable for the cost thereof. If paid for from state funds, the amount may be recovered in the name of the state. (O.C.G.A. Section 50-5-79)

Procurements for Personal Use Using State Funds

It is unlawful to make procurements for the personal use of an employee. While it is difficult to define specifically all such goods and services, the following list includes examples of items which have been denied (by State Purchasing, other state agencies and Georgia Tech) on the grounds that the apparent end-use is primarily personal in nature:

  • Holiday decorations and cards
  • Cut flowers/plants
  • Entertainment and recreational activities
  • Alcoholic beverages
  • Bottled water, coffee and beverage service, snacks
  • Watches, groundbreaking shovels and other items to be granted as a donation or gratuity in favor of a person, corporation or association
  • Dues to a Chamber of Commerce
  • Clothing, such as tuxedos, used for commencement services or other personal use
  • Personal moving expenses, other than authorized relocation expenses
  • Airline club memberships
  • Gifts and gift cards

Procurements by Employees

The Board of Regents (BOR) Policy Manual, Statement 7.7.2 states the following:

  • Employee Purchasing: Absent a specific and approved exemption in state law or as approved by the Chancellor, USG employees shall not purchase goods or services for personal use through channels used in the purchase of goods and services for USG operations. 
  • Printing for Charitable Campaign
    • In September 1992, the Chancellor’s Office of the Board of Regents made a ruling to allow the printing of the Charitable Campaign material from state funds.
  • Animals for Research
    • Animals procurements for research and teaching activities must have prior approval by the Georgia Tech Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)
  • Radioactive Materials
    • All procurements of radioactive materials/isotopes and any X-Ray generating devices are governed by the GT Radiation Safety Committee (GTRSC) to maintain compliance with the Georgia Department of Community Health or the license granted by the Georgia Department of Natural Resources. All procurements of radioactive material/isotopes and any X-Ray generating devices must be approved by the GT Office of Radiological Safety. The Office of Radiological Safety procedures and forms can be found at www.ehs.gatech.edu/radiation.

This policy applies to all Georgia Tech faculty and staff members.


Unauthorized Purchase
If a purchase request/requisition has been submitted in the Georgia Tech E-Procurement System and the buyer ascertains that the purchase has already occurred or that work has commenced, the requisition may be subject to rejection and the purchaser required to follow unauthorized purchase procedures.