General Work Rules

General Work Rules
Type of Policy
Policy No
Effective Date
Last Revised
Review Date
Policy Owner
Human Resources
Contact Name
Jarmon DeSadier
Contact Title
Sr. Director of Employee Relations/Deputy Title IX Coordinator - Staff
Contact Email
Policy Statement

It is important that each employee's conduct and performance support and promote Institute and department goals. Review the following rules to serve as a guide in achieving these goals:

Major Rule Violations
Major offenses include any willful, deliberate violation of Institute or safety rules of such a degree that continued employment of the individual may not be desirable. The following are examples of some offenses that may subject an employee to immediate discharge without warning:

  1. Any negligent act that might endanger the safety or lives of others or that might result in damage to or destruction of Institute property.
  2. Insubordination or refusal to perform work assignments properly.
  3. Willful, deliberate, or repeated violations of safety rules.
  4. Willfully falsifying any Institution records.
  5. Leaving Georgia Tech premises during working hours without permission of a supervisor.
  6. Deliberately abusing, destroying, damaging, or defacing Institute property or the property of others on Georgia Tech premises.
  7. Gambling, possession or use of liquor or narcotics, or the unlawful possession of firearms or other dangerous weapons on Institute premises.
  8. Fighting on Georgia Tech premises.
  9. Failure to return to work on expiration of vacation or leave of absence.
  10. Disclosure of confidential Institute information to unauthorized persons.
  11. Taking Institute or other employee's property for one's own use.
  12. Repeated failure to meet financial obligations.
  13. Sexual misconduct.
  14. Failure to cooperate fully in an authorized internal investigation.
  15. Failure to meet the qualifications for the job or terms and conditions of employment (i.e. failure to complete I-9 compliance, or other criteria set for in USG General Criteria for Employment Policy).
  16. Failure to report being charged with a crime (other than a minor traffic offense) to GTHR within 72 hours of becoming aware of such a charge.
  17. Failure to report being convicted of a crime (other than a minor traffic offense) to GTHR within 24 hours of becoming aware of the conviction.

Minor Rule
Rule violations of a minor nature include violations that may affect the continuity, efficiency of safety or work and will not be tolerated if repeated. Minor rule violations may result in either verbal or written warnings to the employee; however, repeated violations could lead to suspension and possibly termination. The following are examples of minor rule violations that may result in either verbal or written warnings to the employee:

  1. Excessive tardiness or absenteeism.
  2. Failure to notify the supervisor within the first two hours after start of shift on first day of absence.
  3. Failure to observe department working-hour schedules.
  4. Unsatisfactory work performance.
  5. Loafing or other abuse of time during assigned working hours.
  6. Interfering with another employee's performance of duties.
  7. Leaving regularly assigned work location without notifying the immediate supervisor (personal needs excepted).
  8. Performing unauthorized personal work on Georgia Tech time.
  9. Defacing bulletin boards or notices posted thereon.
  10. Minor violations of safety rules.
  11. Using Institute resources for personal work.
  12. Using any tobacco product anywhere on the Institute’s property as prohibited by the Board of Regents’ Tobacco and Smoke-Free Campus Policy.
  13. Failure to complete mandatory and required Institutional training.

The above lists are not intended to be all inclusive.

Georgia is an employment at will state. Cause is not necessary to terminate employment.


Revision Author Description
October 2023 GTHR Updated to conform with USG HRAP updates.
July 2015 Office of Human Resources Policy update.
June 2026 Office of Human Resources New Policy.