Time Away From Work

Time Away From Work
Type of Policy

Absenteeism and Lateness

Absenteeism and Lateness
Type of Policy
Policy No
Effective Date
Last Revised
Review Date
Policy Owner
Human Resources
Contact Name
Jerri Philips
Contact Title
Director - Payroll
Contact Email
Reason for Policy

To ensure adequate staffing, positive employee morale, and to meet expected productivity standards throughout the Institute, employees will be held accountable for adhering to their workplace schedules. This policy provides guidelines for employees regarding absenteeism and lateness.  Absenteeism and lateness detract from our pursuit of service excellence and may impact those employees who must fill in for absent or tardy employees. 

Policy Statement

If an employee finds it necessary to be absent or tardy, they should immediately report such absence or tardiness to the supervisor. An excessive record of tardiness and absences may interfere with promotion and may result in loss of pay or disciplinary action. See Sick Leave Policy No. 2.13 and Vacation Policy No. 2.15. 

Employees are expected to: 

  • Avoid coming to campus if infected with a contagious ailment or exhibiting symptoms of a contagious ailment which might have an adverse effect on other employees. 
  • Attend to personal affairs during nonworking hours. 

The employee’s supervisor, delegate, or Time & Labor Practitioner is responsible for approving time away from work. All requests for time off from work should be submitted and approved through self-service within OneUSG Connect in advance. In emergency cases, the employee must update OneUSG Connect with the request for leave promptly upon their return to work. The employee, if possible, must still follow their unit’s regular call-out procedures. Although it is the employee's responsibility to correct problems and prevent absenteeism, the supervisor should communicate to employees the importance of maintaining good attendance. The supervisor should also monitor attendance habits and follow-up with the employee to make appropriate referrals and/or take corrective action if needed. 

The primary approver (typically the employee’s supervisor, delegate, or Time & Labor Practitioner) is responsible for ensuring that all time and leave records are current and accurate for their areas of responsibility. Managers with timesheet approval responsibilities are required to approve.  Primary approvers who do not review, correct, and approve timesheets by the deadlines may be subject to disciplinary action. Institutions may require a more rigorous process as deemed appropriate and documented in the institution’s time and leave approval procedures.  

Supervisory Communication -- Excessive Absenteeism or Lateness 
Early steps toward correcting excessive absenteeism should take the form of private, individual communication between supervisor and employee. In instances of potential excessive absenteeism and lateness, supervisors should consult with their unit HR Representative for assistance before taking any corrective action.  



Misrepresenting working hours, falsifying signatures or timesheet information, recording time from a non-authorized USG device or location, and tampering with a USG time clock/kiosk or another employee’s timesheet are extremely serious offenses. Employees or time approvers found to have engaged in any of these prohibited activities are subject to disciplinary action.

Family and Medical Leave Act Policy

Family and Medical Leave Act Policy
Type of Policy
Policy No
Effective Date
Last Revised
Review Date
Policy Owner
Human Resources
Contact Name
Gail Imoukhuede
Contact Title
Benefits Manager
Contact Email
Reason for Policy

This policy ensures the Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech) complies with applicable law and University System of Georgia policy in providing leave to eligible employees under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA).

Policy Statement

Georgia Tech complies with the provisions of the FMLA. The FMLA allows employees to balance their work and family life using paid and unpaid leave for certain family and medical reasons. Employees should refer to the related documents/resources cited in this policy as well as consult GTHR for additional information.

Job Restoration and Health Benefits
During FMLA leave, the Institute will maintain the employee’s health coverage under any group health plan on the same terms as if the employee had continued to work, provided the employee continues to pay their portion of the premium. Use of FMLA leave cannot result in the loss of any employment benefit that accrued prior to the start of an employee leave.

An employee generally has a right to return to the same position or an equivalent position in terms of pay, benefits, and working conditions. Certain “key employees” may be denied job restoration if they are among the highest-paid 10% of employees and if such denial is necessary to prevent substantial and grievous injury to the operations of Georgia Tech.

Adverse action or discrimination is prohibited against an employee or prospective employee who has taken FMLA leave and interference with any rights provided by FMLA will not be tolerated, including:

  • Refusing to authorize FMLA leave
  • Discouraging an employee from using FMLA leave
  • Changing the essential functions of the employee’s job to preclude the taking of FMLA leave
  • Reducing hours of work to avoid employee eligibility

FMLA Leave Entitlement
The Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) entitles eligible employees to take up to 12 weeks of unpaid, job protected leave each year. An employee must be employed for at least one year and have worked at least 1,250 hours during the previous 12 months. Eligible employees may use FMLA leave intermittently or in one continuous block for the following reasons:

  • Birth or placement of a child (for adoption or foster care)
  • To bond with a newborn or a newly placed child (must be taken within the first 12 months of the child's birth or placement in the home)
  • The employee’s own serious health condition or to provide care for the employee’s child, spouse, or parent with a serious health condition
  • Any period of incapacity or treatment connected with inpatient hospital care, hospice, or residential medical care facility
  • Any period of incapacity, sporadic absence from work, school, or other regular daily activities that also involves continuing treatment by a health care provider.
  • Continuing treatment by a health care provider for a chronic or long-term health condition that is incurable or so serious that if not treated, would likely result in a period of incapacity.
  • Qualifying Exigency Leave: When a qualifying exigency arises because the employee’s spouse, son, daughter, or parent is on active duty, or has been notified of an impending call or order to covered active duty status. Qualifying exigencies leave may include: short-notice deployment (7 days notice or less and only available for 7 days total), military events and related activities (such as ceremonies and briefings), child care and school activities (for non-routine matters), financial and legal arrangements, counseling, rest and relaxation (up to 5 days), post-deployment activities (including debriefings or funeral services for up to 90 days following the termination of the covered military member’s active duty status), and any additional activities agreed upon by the Institute and employee.
  • Military Caregiver Leave: Eligible employees who are the spouse, son, daughter, parent, or next of kin of a covered service member who is recovering from a serious illness or injury sustained in the line of duty on active duty is entitled to up to 26 weeks of leave in a single 12-month period to care for the service member. Military caregiver leave is available during a single 12-month period during which an eligible employee is entitled to a combined total of 26 weeks of FMLA leave. A single 12-month period begins on the 1st day the employee takes military leave and ends 12 months later.
  • Covered Active Duty Leave: A member of the Armed Forces, including a member of the National Guard and Reserves, who is undergoing medical treatment, recuperation, or therapy, is otherwise in outpatient status, or is otherwise on the temporary disability retired list, for a serious injury or illness, OR a veteran who is undergoing medical treatment, recuperation or therapy for a serious injury or illness and who was a member of the Armed Forces, including the National Guard and Reserves, at any time during the five-year period preceding the date on which the veteran undergoes medical treatment, recuperation, or therapy.

Leave Entitlement When Multiple Events Occur
Employees may have one or more qualifying reason for leave during the year however the leave entitlement is limited to 12 weeks.

Paid Parental Leave when taken due to the birth or placement of a child (for adoption or foster care), will also count towards any available FMLA leave. In no case will the total amount of leave—whether paid or unpaid—granted to the employee under the FMLA exceed 12 weeks during the 12-month FMLA period. Learn more about Paid Parental Leave and associated processes at https://benefits.hr.gatech.edu/paid-parental-leave/.

Leave Entitlement When Spouses Work for the University System Of Georgia (USG)
If both the employee and the employee’s spouse work for the USG and are eligible for FMLA, then
they are limited to a combined total of:

  • 12 workweeks of FMLA leave during any 12-month period for the birth of a child or the placement of a child for adoption or foster care; or to care for an employee’s parent with a serious health condition
  • Each employee may use up to 12 workweeks of FMLA leave during any 12-month period if the leave is for the care of the employee’s spouse or child with a serious health condition or the employee’s own serious health condition
  • 26 workweeks during the single 12-month period if the leave is Military Caregiver Leave or a combination of Military Caregiver Leave and Family Medical Leave, Employee Medical Leave, or Qualifying Exigency Leave

Determining Eligibility for Leave
The Institute uses a “rolling” 12-month period (rather than a fixed calendar, fiscal, or academic
year) to determine eligibility for, and availability of, leave time under FMLA. The 12-month period
is determined by reviewing the twelve months of employment prior to the date that the employee
requests FMLA leave to begin. If the employee has not utilized the equivalent of 12 weeks of
FMLA-qualifying leave during the 12 months prior to the designated date, then the employee is
eligible to take leave on that date, provided that all other eligibility criteria are met.

Determining Eligibility for Leave
For purposes of determining the amount of leave used by an employee, the fact that a holiday may
occur within the week taken as FMLA leave has no effect; the week is counted as a week of FMLA
leave. However, if an employee is using FMLA leave in increments of less than one week, the
holiday will not count against the employee’s FMLA entitlement unless the employee was
otherwise scheduled and expected to work during the holiday. Similarly, if the Institute’s business
operations have ceased and the employees are generally not expected to report for work for one
or more weeks (i.e. during winter holiday break), then those days do not count against the
employee’s FMLA entitlement.

Using Sick and Vacation Leave While on FMLA
FMLA leave is unpaid and the Institute requires that employees use their accrued paid sick leave
and/or vacation leave concurrently with FMLA leave before they go into unpaid status. If FMLA
leave is a result of an on-the-job injury however, you have the option of taking unpaid leave even if
you have sick leave and/or vacation available. Similarly, an employee on FMLA leave utilizing
short term disability (STD) insurance may go into an unpaid leave status when they begin
receiving STD benefits, reserving any remaining sick leave and/or vacation for use after the employee returns from leave. Employees must use their available accrued sick leave and/or vacation during the STD waiting period.

Please note that employees using FMLA to bond with a healthy newborn or newly adopted or placed child may use accrued vacation time or take time off without pay. Accrued sick leave however, may not be used for this purpose.

Intermittent and Reduced Schedules While on FMLA 
If an employee is on intermittent or reduced schedule FMLA leave and would otherwise be required to work overtime hours, any overtime hours not worked during the leave period count as FMLA leave.

Although intermittent and reduced schedule leave are available for qualifying exigencies, Qualifying Exigency Leave counts against the employee’s total allotment of FMLA leave. The Institute may also request documentation of the need for qualifying exigency leave.

Employees who accept light duty positions in lieu of taking time off from work under FMLA leave cannot have the time spent on light duty counted against their FMLA entitlement.

Employees are expected to talk with their supervisors about their need for intermittent leave prior to scheduling treatment in order to work out a schedule that best suits the needs of the employee and the Institute. In order to better accommodate the employee’s intermittent leave or reduced work schedule the Institute may assign the employee to an alternative position with equivalent pay and benefits. The assignment of such an alternative position must be coordinated through the Employee Relations unit of the Office of Human Resources.

Providing Notice of Your Need for FMLA 
When FMLA leave is needed the employee should make a request for leave in the Employee Self Service Portal and notice of the anticipated leave given by the employee to their supervisor (or HR representative).

When the need for FMLA leave is foreseeable , due to a planned medical treatment or other planned FMLA-qualifying event, a request for leave should be made at least 30 calendar days in advance of the start of leave, unless impracticable, in which case the employee must request leave as early as the circumstances permit. When possible employees should make reasonable efforts to schedule leave for planned medical treatments so that they do not disrupt the Institute’s operations.

When the need for leave is not foreseeable, an employee must comply with the Institute’s usual and customary notice and procedural requirements, which includes call-in procedures established by the employee’s department, absent unusual circumstances.

Call out Procedures While on FMLA
When an employee seeks leave due to a qualifying FMLA reason for which the Institute has previously provided the employee FMLA-protected leave, the employee must specifically reference the qualifying reason for leave. Calling in “sick” without providing more information will not be considered sufficient notice to trigger the Institute’s obligations under FMLA.

Medical Documentation Requirements
In the case of medical conditions, the Institute may find it necessary to inquire further to determine if the leave is because of a serious health condition and may request medical certification to support the need for such leave. The Institute may also request certification to support the need for leave for a qualifying exigency or for military caregiver leave. Employees must provide the requested certification to the Institute within the time frame requested, unless it is not practicable to do so despite the employee’s diligent, good-faith efforts. The Institute may request recertification at some later date if there is reason to question the appropriateness of the leave or its duration. Failure to provide the needed documentation may result in disapproval of the leave or a delay in its commencement.

If the validity of the medical certification is in doubt, GTHR may reach out to the provider. If there is a question regarding the medical opinion supporting the leave, a second opinion may be required with a health care provider chosen by GTHR at the Institute’s expense in order to support the need for leave. If the two opinions conflict, GTHR may request and pay for a third option. The third medical certification opinion will be final and binding.

Georgia Tech has the right to designate as FMLA leave any time off that qualifies as such, even if the time is not specifically requested as FMLA leave by the employee. In these instances a Designation Notice will be issued to the employee.

The Institute may request recertification documentation no more often than every 30 days (except as indicated below) and only in connection with an absence by the employee, unless the medical certification indicates that the minimum duration of the condition is more than 30 days, in which case the Institute must wait until that minimum duration expires before requesting recertification. For example, if the medical certification states that an employee will be unable to work, whether continuously or on an intermittent basis, for 40 days, the employer must wait 40 days before requesting recertification.
The Institute may request recertification in less than 30 days if:

  1. The employee requests an extension of leave.
  2. Circumstances described by the previous certification have changed significantly (i.e. the duration or frequency of the absence, the nature or severity of the illness, complications).
  3. The Institute receives information that casts doubt upon the employee’s stated reason for the absence or the continuing validity of the certification.

Working While on FMLA
It is presumed that employees on FMLA for their own serious health conditions are not working outside of the Institute while on FMLA leave. Consulting or outside activity agreements may still apply. The protections of the FMLA will not, however, cover situations where the reason for the leave no longer exists, where the employee has not provided required notices or certifications, or the employee has misrepresented the reason for leave.

Returning to Work
Employees are expected to return to work at the end of the approved FMLA leave. If the employee does not return, and if failure to return is not due to a continued or new documented qualifying serious health condition, then the employee may be required to reimburse the Institute for the employer portion of the health coverage premiums it paid on the employee’s behalf during the leave.

Employees are required to present a fitness-for-duty certification from their healthcare provider before being reinstated to active duty upon completion of FMLA leave for their own serious health condition. The Institute may require that the certification specifically address the employee’s ability to perform the essential functions of the employee’s job. If reasonable job safety concerns exist, the Institute may require a fitness-for-duty certification before an employee may return to work when the employee takes intermittent leave.

If the employee is not able to return to work at the end of their approved FMLA leave, they may be eligible to request additional leave, as a work place accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The granting of such additional leave is at the discretion of the Institute or must meet the legal requirements for leave to be granted. In no case may all leaves combined exceed 12 months. If an employee does not return and is not granted additional leave, employment ends on the last day of the approved FMLA leave.


This policy applies to all faculty and staff of the Georgia Institute of Technology.

Policy Terms
Absence Plus TreatmentAs defined under the FMLA, a period of incapacity of more than three full consecutive calendar days and any subsequent treatment or period of incapacity relating to the same condition, that also involves (a) treatment two or more times by a health care provider or (b) treatment by a health care provider on at least one occasion which results in a regiment of continuing treatment under the supervision of the health care provider.
ChildThe employee’s biological son or daughter under the age of 18; a legally-adopted son or daughter under the age of 18; a foster child, stepchild, or ward under the age of 18, legally placed with the employee; any such child over the age of 18 if the child is incapable of self-care due to a mental or physical disability; “incapable of self-care” means requiring active assistance or supervision to provide daily self-care in three or more basic instrumental “activities of daily living” such as grooming & hygiene, bathing, dressing, eating, cooking, taking public transportation, etc.; a “physical or mental disability” is one that substantially limits one or more major life functions as defined under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
Chronic Conditions Requiring TreatmentA chronic condition which 1) requires treatment at least twice a year by a health care provider, or by a nurse or physician’s assistant under direct supervision of a health care provider; 2) continues over an extended period of time (including recurring episodes of a single underlying condition); and 3) may cause episodic rather than a continuing period of incapacity (i.e. asthma, diabetes, epilepsy, etc.).
Health Care ProviderDepartment of Labor regulations for the FMLA define a health care provider as a doctor of medicine or osteopathy, podiatrist, dentist, chiropractor (limited to treatment consisting of manual manipulation of the spine to correct a subluxation as demonstrated by X-ray to exist), clinical psychologist, optometrist, nurse practitioner, nurse-midwife, or clinical social worker who is authorized to practice by the State and performing within the scope of their practice as defined by State law, or a Christian Scientist practitioner listed with the First Church of Christ Scientist in Boston, Massachusetts.
Injury or Illness in the Line of DutyIn the case of a current member of the Armed Forces, including a member of the National Guard and Reserves, this means an injury or illness incurred in the line of duty while on active duty, or which existed prior to active duty but was aggravated by service in line of duty while on active duty, that may render the member medically unfit to perform the duties of the member’s office, grade, rank, or rating. In the case of a veteran of the Armed Forces, including a member of the National Guard or Reserves, this means an injury or illness incurred in the line of duty while on active duty, or which existed prior to active duty but was aggravated by service in line of duty while on active duty, and that manifested itself either before or after the covered service member became a veteran.
Inpatient CareAs defined under the FMLA, Inpatient care means an overnight stay in a hospital, hospice, or residential medical care facility, including any period of incapacity, or any subsequent treatment in connection with such inpatient care.
Multiple Treatments of Non-chronic Conditions

Any period of absence to receive multiple treatments (including any period of recovery therefrom) by a health care provider or by a provider of health care services under orders of, or on referral by, a health care provider, for:

(1) Restorative surgery after an accident or other injury; or

(2) A condition that would likely result in a period of incapacity of more than three consecutive, full calendar days in the absence of medical intervention or treatment, such as cancer (chemotherapy, radiation, etc.), severe arthritis (physical therapy), or kidney disease (dialysis).

ParentA biological parent of the employee; an individual who stands or stood “in loco parents” to an employee by providing primary day-to-day care and financial support when the employee was a child; Does not include “parents-in-law”.
Permanent Long-term Conditions
A period of incapacity which is permanent or long-term due to a condition for which treatment may not be effective. The employee or family member must be under the continuing supervision of, but need not be receiving active treatment by, a health care provider. Examples include Alzheimer's, a severe stroke, or the terminal stages of a disease.
PregnancyAny period of incapacity due to pregnancy, or for prenatal care.
SpouseThe employee’s legal husband or wife as defined or recognized under State law for purpose of marriage in the State where employee resides.

See FMLA section on the GTHR website located at https://hr.gatech.edu/fmla


8.1. AVP-OHR 
Ensure consistent administration of family leave as governed by the FMLA.

8.2 GTHR Employee Relations
Consults with Human Resources on the effective utilization of policy and monitors for compliance.

8.3. Supervisors
Works with GTHR Benefits to ensure that employees are aware of FMLA. Provides information to GTHR regarding employee requesting leave and returning to work.

8.4 Employees 
Must notify their supervisor (or HR Representative) that they will need to take leave. While on FMLA leave employees should periodically check in with their supervisor or HR Representative regarding their status and intent to return to work.

8.5 GTHR Benefits
Works with employees and supervisors in the day to day administration of FMLA. Provides notification of eligibility, reviews medical certification and designates leave. FMLA paperwork is maintained in GTHR in a file (separate from employee’s personnel file) for no less than three years.

Policy History
Revision DateAuthorDescription
9/22/2021GTHR Payroll and Total RewardsUpdated definitions, clarified procedures, updated intermittent leave applicability.
10/2014GTHR Payroll and Total RewardsNew Policy

Holiday Schedule for Employees

Holiday Schedule for Employees
Type of Policy
Policy No
Last Revised
Review Date
Policy Owner
Human Resources
Contact Name
Jerri Philips
Contact Title
Director - Payroll
Contact Email
Policy Statement

The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) does not require payment for vacations or holidays (federal or otherwise). Paid holidays and vacations are generally a matter of agreement between an employer and an employee. Paid holidays shall be awarded in addition to earned vacation time and shall be observed in accordance with the rules and regulations set forth by the respective institutions. 

In order to receive pay for the holidays, an employee must be in active pay status the day before and the day after the holiday. Active pay status is defined as working regularly scheduled hours immediately preceding and following the holiday. Employees receiving excused absences prior to and following the holiday will be eligible to receive the holiday pay provided. Excused absences include approved sick, vacation, bereavement, jury duty, and other FMLA related absences.

The Institute observes 13 official paid holidays each calendar year. A schedule of holidays is published each year by the Institute and can be found at https://hr.gatech.edu/payroll.

Holidays are not carried into another calendar year. If the holiday time is not taken by the end of the year, it must be forfeited.


Regular employees and faculty working one-half time or more


Non-Exempt full- and part-time employees: If a holiday falls on a regularly scheduled workday, the employee will be paid for their standard hours as holiday pay. Should an employee’s normal work schedule not include a holiday, that employee’s supervisor should schedule an alternate “holiday” to ensure the employee receives the “benefited” holiday time allowed by the University System of Georgia. When determining eligibility for overtime pay, holiday hours are not counted as hours worked.

Exempt part-time employees: If a holiday falls on a regularly scheduled workday, the employee will observe that holiday. Should an employee’s normal work schedule not include a holiday, that employee’s supervisor should schedule an alternate “holiday” to ensure the employee receives the “benefited” holiday time allowed by the University System of Georgia. Exempt employees are not paid hourly, and their monthly salary will remain the same as though there were no holiday hours.

Special conditions

Termination: A terminating employee shall not be paid for any official holidays occurring after the last working day of employment.

Retirement or inter-institutional transfer: Employees will receive pay for holidays occurring at the end of their final month of employment if they are in a paid status (work time, annual leave, sick leave, or other paid leave) on the last scheduled workday of the month.

Compressed Work Week Schedules: Holidays count as eight hours; therefore, if an employee is on a 10-hour a day schedule and one of their workdays fall on an Institute holiday, the employee must work an additional two hours another day of the work week. Otherwise, regular policies regarding holiday pay should be followed.

Remote Units & Police Department: Operating units that are physically remote from the main campus in Atlanta, the Police Department and staff supporting affiliated organizations may be permitted to observe a holiday schedule more consistent with that of the host organization. This schedule is not to exceed the number of holidays per year allowed for the University by the Board of Regents.

Partial Year Employees: Partial-year employees are not eligible for holiday pay for those holidays occurring during the designated leave period, nor are they eligible to receive unemployment compensation benefits during this period.

Part-time benefited employees: Employees who work part-time and receive benefits are eligible for holiday pay on a pro-rated basis.

Non-benefited employees: Regular employees and faculty working less than one-half time are not eligible for holiday pay.

Religious Observance

We consider each individual's decision to either engage in or refrain from religious worship to be worthy of respect and consideration, therefore, we encourage reasonable accommodations be provided for observance of religious holidays.

Employees should inform their supervisor in advance, specifically requesting an adjusted work schedule related to religious purposes. Depending upon business needs, you may be able to work on a day that is normally observed as a holiday and then take time off for another religious day.  Also, planned absences for such requests may be taken as paid vacation leave (if applicable); as time off without pay; or be permitted as alternative work hours at a time and manner agreed upon by the employee and the responsible supervisor or manager. The hours worked in lieu of the normal work schedule may be scheduled before or after the religious observance within the workweek, so as not to create any entitlement to premium pay (including overtime pay). An employee’s request for time off should not be granted without simultaneously scheduling the hours the employee will work to make up the time, in order to provide a clear record of the employee’s adjusted work schedule. If an employee is absent when he or she is scheduled to perform work to make up for a planned absence for a religious observance, the employee must take paid leave, request leave without pay, or be charged absent without leave, if appropriate. These are the same options that apply to any other absence from an employee’s basic work schedule.

Alternative holidays for essential work: At times, the operating demands of a department make it necessary for all or a portion of the staff to work on a scheduled/official Institute holiday. If a non-exempt employee is designated as essential and is required to work on an official Institute holiday, the employee's supervisor may choose one of the following holiday pay options:

  1. Grant the employee another workday off with pay by designating that day as the employee's paid holiday.
  2. Pay the employee their holiday pay, plus pay the employee at their regular rate of pay for the additional time actually worked on the holiday. Under this option, the employee does not receive another day off with pay for having worked an official holiday.

The responsibilities each party has in connection with the Campus Holiday Policy are:

Institution Chief Human Resources OfficersEnsure compliance with policy.
GTHR PayrollOffer assistance with policy interpretation.

Information for Campus Closed or Inclement Weather and Other Emergencies

Information for Campus Closed or Inclement Weather and Other Emergencies jgastley3

Georgia Tech adopts the University System of Georgia (USG) Human Resources Administrative Manual for Inclement Weather or Other Emergencies. Additional Georgia Tech resources for timekeeping in these scenarios can be found in the section labelled GT Knowledge Base Article below. 

Refer to USG's Policy: USG Inclement Weather or Other Emergencies

Refer to GT's Knowledge Base Article:  Managing Employee Variant Time Worked (Please review the Campus Closures section of the Knowledge Base Article)

Refer to GT's Modified Campus Operations Policy

Learn more about GT Emergency Notification System


Leave of Absence

Leave of Absence
Type of Policy
Policy No
Last Revised
Review Date
Policy Owner
Human Resources
Contact Name
James Wallace
Contact Title
Interim Director: Benefits & Retirement
Contact Email
Reason for Policy

This policy ensures consistent application of leave at Georgia Tech.


Policy Statement

This policy outlines the process for the granting and the use of a Leave of Absence at Georgia Tech.


All regular part-time or full-time classified or faculty employees within the Georgia Institute of Technology.

Policy Terms

Personal Leaves of Absence without Pay
Due to unforeseen events or special circumstances, an employee may need time off for personal reasons. Such approved leaves shall allow the employee the right to elect to continue their group insurance benefits by making arrangements through the Office of Human Resources Benefits Department and paying the total amount of all premiums due. All other benefits for which the employee is eligible would not accrue during the unpaid leave. Employees requesting a personal leave of absence of more than 30 days must first exhaust accrued vacation before going into an unpaid status. Failure to return to work at the conclusion of the leave period constitutes grounds for termination of employment. Every effort will be made to place an employee in the same position or another of equal status upon return from an approved leave of absence. Temporary personnel may be employed to fill the vacancy during the approved leave period.

Educational Leave with and without Pay
Please refer to the USG Time Away from Work Educational Leave Policy for additional information.

Military Leave
Please refer to the USG Time Away from Work Military Leave Policy. A Military Leave Reporting Form should be completed and submitted along with the supporting orders to the Benefits Department in the Office of Human Resources prior to start of the military leave. Employees should also contact the Office of Human Resources Benefits Department prior to the start of an extended military leave to make arrangements with regards to their benefits.

Maternity Leave
Appropriate sick leave provisions shall apply. See 2.13 Sick Leave Policy and 2.12 Family and Medical Leave Policy for more details.

Family Leave
See 2.12 Family and Medical Leave Policy for more details.

Miscellaneous Leave
Bereavement Employees may take up to five accrued sick days due to the death of an employee’s immediate family member (employee’s spouse, parents, parents-in-law, grandparents, children, brothers, sisters, and members of the employee’s household). Employees must notify his/her supervisor immediately if he/she needs to take time off due to the death of an immediate family member. If an employee does not have adequate sick days to cover the absence, then he/she must use vacation time.

Court Duty
Any employee summoned for court duty as a juror or witness must notify his/her immediate supervisor as soon as official orders are received and provide a copy of the orders. Employees called for jury duty or witness duty will be paid at the normal rate of pay for any regularly scheduled time lost from the job. If the court duty is completed prior to the end of the employee’s normal work schedule, the employee must report to work for the remainder of his/her shift.

Voting Employees
are encouraged to exercise their constitutional right to vote in all federal, state, and location elections. Georgia Tech follows the procedures outlined in the USG HRAP on Other Leave (Voting and Court Duty).

Selective Service and Military Physical Examinations
Any employee required by Federal law to take a physical examination for Selective Service must notify his/her immediate supervisor as soon as orders are received and provide a copy of such orders. The employee shall be paid for any time lost to take such an examination.

Leave for Blood Donations
An employee is allowed a leave of absence, without loss of pay, of not more than 8 hours in each calendar year for the purpose of donating blood with his/her supervisor’s approval. This absence shall be computed as 2 hours per donation, up to 4 times per year. Any employee who donates blood platelets or granulocytes through the plasmapheresis process shall be allowed a leave of absence, without loss of pay, of not more than 16 hours in each calendar year. This leave shall be computed as four hours per donation, up to four times per year. Tracking and monitoring of Blood Donation leave shall be done by the department.

Leave for Organ and Marrow Donation
Each employee who serves as an organ donor for the purpose of transplantation shall receive a leave of absence, with pay, of 30 days. Each employee who serves as a bone marrow donor for the purpose of transplantation shall receive a leave of absence, with pay, of 7 days. Leave taken under this provision shall not be charged against or deducted from an employee’s accrued vacation or sick leave. Such leave shall be included as service in computing any retirement or pension benefits. This provision shall apply only to an employee who actually donated an organ or marrow and who presents his/her supervisor with a statement from a licensed medical practitioner or hospital administrator that the employee is making an organ or marrow donation. Leave for the purpose of organ or marrow donation may qualify under the Family and Medical Leave Act (see 2.12 Family and Medical Leave Policy for more details). Tracking and monitoring of Organ and Marrow Donation leave shall be done by the department.


Requesting Leave
Personal or educational leaves must be approved by the supervisor and department/unit head via the Leave of Absence request form.

Leave of Absence Request Form
If the request is for a Classified employee, the form must be submitted to the AVP of Human Resources for approval.

If the request is for an Academic Faculty member, the form must be submitted to the Office of the Provost for approval.

If the request is for a Research Faculty member, the form must be submitted to the Office of the Executive Vice President- Research for approval.

Requests for military leave and supporting orders must be submitted to the Benefits Department in the Office of Human Resources via the Military Leave Reporting Form. After receiving approval for any of the above requests, the originating department would then submit an ePersonal Services Form (ePSF) when the person begins his/her leave.

Reporting Leaves of Absence
Time granted for leaves of absence without pay will not be reported on time sheets/documents, etc. Court duty and military leave with pay will be reported.

Exempt Employees with Insufficient Accrued Leave
When an exempt employee is absent from work for less than one scheduled workday and his/her accumulated leave is insufficient to cover the partial day of absence, the employer will deduct the cost for such leave in hourly increments from an exempt employee’s salary.


8.1. AVP-OHR
Ensure appropriate utilization of leave

8.2. OHR-Consultancy
Provide guidance to institution human resources officers on effective utilization of policy and monitor for compliance.


To report suspected instances of ethical violations, please visit Georgia Tech’s Ethics Helpline, a secure and confidential reporting system, at: https://secure.ethicspoint.com/domain/en/report_custom.asp?clientid=7508

Shared Sick Leave

Shared Sick Leave
Type of Policy
Policy No
Last Revised
Review Date
Policy Owner
Human Resources
Contact Name
Gail Imoukhuede
Contact Title
Director, Benefits & Retirement
Contact Email
Reason for Policy

This policy ensures alignment between University System of Georgia (USG) requirements for and Georgia Tech’s administration of the USG Shared Sick Leave Program. Shared Sick Leave allows member employees that have exhausted their sick leave to request donations from a shared pool when the employee or their immediate family member is experiencing a serious health condition as defined by FMLA.

Policy Statement

Eligibility & Membership
Employees that are eligible to enroll in the Shared Sick Leave program annually during the USG Open Enrollment period after they have been employed by Georgia Tech for at least six months. Employees must be on an approved leave of absence to receive donations from the pool. Only employees that are members of the pool are eligible to receive donations.

See Shared Sick Leave GTHR website for instructions on how to enroll, donating leave and requesting leave from the Shared Sick Leave Pool.


This policy applies to regular, benefits eligible employees within the Georgia Institute of Technology.


GTHR Benefits
GTHR Benefits is responsible for serving as the Shared Sick Leave Program Administrator, processing requests for membership received during Open Enrollment, and processing Shared Sick Leave Program requests for donations. GTHR Benefits is responsible for serving as the Shared Sick Leave program administrators, including processing requests for membership, requests for use of shared sick leave, and program communication.

Georgia Tech Chief HR Officer
Responsible for supporting compliance to this Policy and reviewing appeal requests

Sick Leave

Sick Leave
Type of Policy
Policy No
Last Revised
Review Date
Policy Owner
Human Resources
Contact Name
James Wallace
Contact Title
Interim Director: Benefits & Retirement
Contact Email
Reason for Policy


**This policy is currently being updated in alignment with the transition to OneUSG. For questions related to this policy, please visit services.gatech.edu to browse job aides and submit inquiries.**

This policy ensures consistency in the administration of sick leave with or without pay as well as sick leave transfer between Institutions and State of Georgia Agencies. The Institute recognizes that employees may experience catastrophic life events.

Policy Statement

For all regular full-time exempt employees, sick leave shall be accumulated at the rate of one working day per calendar month of service. Regular part-time employees working one-half time or more will accumulate sick leave in an equivalent ratio to their percentage of time employed. Non exempt employees will accrue vacation based on a percentage of the time worked during the pay period.



Entities Affected By This Policy

All faculty and staff within the Georgia Institute of Technology

Who Should Read This Policy

All faculty and staff within the Georgia Institute of Technology should be aware of this policy.


Classified Employees

Regular full-time exempt classified employees accrue twelve sick leave days per year at the rate of one working day per month. Regular full-time non-exempt classified employees accrue twelve sick days per year based upon the number of compensable hours recorded each pay period. In all cases, a day of sick leave for purposes of pay and time off will be computed on the basis of an employee’s regular workday.

For nonexempt employees, all sick leave will be earned by the compensable hour and will be credited to each employee’s record at the end of each pay period. Accruals for a pay period will not be posted to an employee’s record until the pay period has ended, which will prohibit charging sick leave against accruals earned in the same period in which the leave is taken. Accrual will be based on factors which were computed by dividing the number of sick leave hours accrued per year by the number of working hours in the year (2080). Non-exempt employees will accrue sick leave at the rate of .046154 per compensable hour. (12x8 = 96 / 2080 =.046154)

For regular full-time exempt employees, all sick leave is accrued on a monthly basis at a rate of one day per month. During the first month of employment, the employee must be on the payroll on or before the 15th of the month and work (or be in a paid status) through the end of the month in order to accrue sick leave. No time will accrue for a month in which employment begins on or after the 16th day. Regular part-time employees working one-half time or more will accrue sick leave in an equivalent ratio to their percentage of time worked.

For nonexempt employees, all sick leave will be earned by the compensable hour and will be credited to each employee’s record at the end of each pay period. Accruals for a pay period will not be posted to an employee’s record until the pay period has ended, which will prohibit charging sick leave against accruals earned in the same period in which the leave is taken. Accrual will be based on factors which were computed by dividing the number of sick leave hours accrued per year by the number of working hours in the year (2080). Non-exempt employees will accrue sick leave at the rate of .046154 per compensable hour. (12x8 = 96 / 2080 =.046154)

For regular full-time exempt employees, all sick leave is accrued on a monthly basis at a rate of one day per month. During the first month of employment, the employee must be on the payroll on or before the 15th of the month and work (or be in a paid status) through the end of the month in order to accrue sick leave. No time will accrue for a month in which employment begins on or after the 16th day. Regular part-time employees working one-half time or more will accrue sick leave in an equivalent ratio to their percentage of time worked.

Faculty Employees

General faculty employees accrue sick leave at the rate of one day (8 hours) per month. Nine-month faculty members accrue nine days of sick leave each academic year and an additional three days if they teach in the summer session, which will be prorated based on the number of months worked.

This accrual is based on continuous employment at one-half (.50 EFT) time or more and earned in a ratio equivalent to the percentage of time worked. For example, a regular faculty member working one-half time earns four hours of sick leave per month. Faculty members working less than one-half time and temporary faculty members do not accrue sick leave.

Faculty Sick Leave Reporting

The following provisions for the reporting of sick leave shall apply to all faculty who serve primarily in assignments defined by faculty roles in instruction, research and scholarly activity, and service.

  1. Faculty is responsible for informing their unit head of any illness that prohibits them from meeting their assigned responsibilities in instruction, research, and service.
  2. In reporting sick leave, academic year faculty will report leave based on the number of whole hours sick (see BOR Policy Manual regarding Leave Policy), with a full day being eight (8) hours, a half day being four (4) hours, and less than a half day based on whole hours missed, with a full week being the equivalent of a forty (40) hour workweek.
  3. Nothing in this policy shall be interpreted to indicate or require that faculty work on a standardized schedule.
  4. Each month, faculty members must also report if they did not take any sick leave.

All Employees

There is no limit as to the total amount of sick leave which may be accrued. Sick leave may be granted at the discretion of the Institute and upon approval of the employee’s immediate supervisor for any of the following reasons:

  1. Illness or injury of the employee
  2. Medical or dental treatment or consultation
  3. Quarantine due to a contagious illness in the employee’s household
  4. Illness, injury, or death (See Bereavement leave under 2.11 Leave of Absence) in the employee’s immediate family requiring the employee’s presence. Immediate family is defined as the employee’s spouse, parents, parents-in-law, grandparents, children, brothers, sisters, and members of the employee’s household.
  5. Inability to report to work due to pregnancy or other disability

Accrued sick leave may not be used to make adoption arrangements or to “bond” with a healthy newborn or newly-adopted or placed child. However, either parent may use accrued vacation time or take time off without pay if no vacation time is available for such a purpose. Please refer to Policy 2.12 Family and Medical Leave for more information.

Sick leave in excess of five consecutive work days requested or taken for health reasons requires a physician’s statement clarifying the need for the employee’s absence from work and in order for future sick leave with pay to be taken. The statement should include: date of onset of illness, the date upon which the employee will be able to return to work, what percentage of time he/she will be able to work, and whether or not any restrictions are imposed on the employee’s daily work activities.


Employees should complete the GT Vacation and Sick Leave Request Form or follow his/her department’s procedure for requesting sick leave. Whether or not an employee used sick leave must be reported on time sheets, time documents, or other forms provided by the department no later than the pay period following the pay period in which the sick leave was taken. Departments may establish other deadline dates for reporting sick leave. Even if no sick leave was taken, that information must be reported. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action. It is the responsibility of the department to certify sick time reported and to ensure that sick leave balance(s) are accurate.


When sick leave has been reported incorrectly in a prior pay period, the department’s administrator must send an email to payroll’s customer service desk: pay.ask@ohr.gatech.edu. The adjustments must be made to time reported and current balance(s) on the Georgia Tech Vacation & Sick Adjustment Form; a scanned copy of the form should be included with the email. Sick leave documentation must be maintained by the department for a period of five years after the last date of the leave.

If an employee overdraws his/her sick leave, any accrued vacation leave will be used to pay the employee. If there is insufficient vacation, the overdrawn amount will be deducted from the employee’s next check.

Employees must immediately notify their supervisor if they are leaving sick from work. Please see 2.1 Absenteeism and Lateness Policy for more details.

A terminating employee will not accrue sick leave or be entitled to receive paid sick leave after the last working day of employment.

Workers’ Compensation

If sick leave is the result of an on-the-job injury, you have the option of using unpaid leave even if you have paid leave available. Under the Workers’ Compensation Act, an employee injured on the job and unable to work may elect in writing not to use accrued leave. Under these conditions, the employee may be granted sick leave without pay in keeping with the provisions of the leave without pay policy (see 2.11 Leave of Absence Policy for more details). The employee is required to submit medical verification from their physician to verify inability to perform their normal job duties. Failure to return to work at the conclusion of the leave period constitutes grounds for termination of employment.

Sick Leave without Pay

Any regular employee who is unable to work due to his/her own injury or illness after exhausting all accrued sick leave and vacation leave may be granted sick leave without pay for a period not to exceed one year. The total amount of leave taken, including both paid and unpaid time, shall not exceed one year. Employees should complete the GT Vacation and Sick Leave Request Form or follow his/her department’s procedure for requesting unpaid sick leave. The employee’s department must approve a sick leave without pay and submit the required information through an Electronic Personal Services form (ePSF). Approvals based on factors such as performance, length of service, and business needs of the department. Such approved leaves shall allow the employee the right to continue his/her group insurance benefits by making arrangements through the Office of Human Resources Benefits Department to pay his/her portion of premiums due and the Institute will continue its share of the cost for such period. All other benefits for which the employee is eligible would not accrue. Failure to return to work at the conclusion of the approved leave period constitutes grounds for termination of employment.

Note: Employees should contact the Office of Human Resources Benefits Department to see if they may be eligible for leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). Please see 2.12 Family and Medical Leave policy for additional information.



Type of Policy
Policy No
Last Revised
Review Date
Policy Owner
Human Resources
Contact Name
Jerri Philips
Contact Title
Director - Payroll
Contact Email
Reason for Policy


**This policy is currently being updated in alignment with the transition to OneUSG. For questions related to this policy, please visit services.gatech.edu to browse job aides and submit inquiries.**

This policy ensures consistency in the administration of vacation as well as vacation transfer between Institutions.


Policy Statement

This policy addresses vacation as well as vacation transfer between Institutions.


Who Should Read This Policy

All faculty and staff within the Georgia Institute of Technology should be aware of this policy.


During the first month of employment, an employee must begin working on or before the 15th and must work (or be in a paid status) through the end of the month in order to accrue any vacation for the month. No time will accrue for a month in which employment begins on the 16th or later. For persons terminating before the 15th, vacation does not accrue for that month. It will accrue if the employee’s last working day is on or after the 15th. No vacation time is accrued by an employee during a nonpaid leave of absence. Vacation time does not accrue past the last working day.

It is the responsibility of the employee’s home department to ensure that vacation balance(s) are accurate. When vacation has been reported incorrectly in a prior pay period, the department’s administrator must send an email to payroll’s customer service desk: pay.ask@ohr.gatech.edu. The adjustments must be made to time reported and current balance(s) on the Georgia Tech Vacation & Sick Adjustment Request Form (scanned copy of the form should be included with email).

All regular employees working half-time or more, but less than full-time shall accrue vacation in a ratio to his/her percentage of time worked.

Up to 45 days (360 hours) earned vacation may be carried over each calendar year. Once time taken through December 31st has been posted, individual vacation records are adjusted to show no more than 45 days of vacation time. Vacation time may be taken as accrued upon the consent of the employee’s immediate supervisor.

Vacation time may not be taken in excess of the amount accrued. To do so places the employee in a nonpay status for the overdrawn hours. The department’s administrator must send an email to pay.ask@ohr.gatech.edu to request that future pay be docked for the overdrawn hours.

Employees should complete the GT Vacation and Sick Leave Request Form or follow his/her department’s procedure for requesting vacation time. An employee’s immediate supervisor must approve all requests for taking vacation time in advance so that proper provision can be made for absences. Reasonable effort will be made to accommodate the employee’s wishes in this matter, but the time selected for vacation must be mutually acceptable to the employee and to the supervisor. Taking of vacation time must not be allowed to interfere with essential work. Vacation time must be reported on time sheets/time documents or forms specified by each department. Employees will be instructed by their respective department on reporting vacation time according to the department’s specifications.

Upon termination of employment, payment shall be made for accrued vacation time (up to a maximum of 45 working days) that has not been used by the employee. Such compensation shall be based on information derived from vacation leave records.

Classified Non-exempt Employees
Full-time regular non-exempt employees who are not members of the general faculty shall accrue vacation according to his/her length of service and they begin accruing vacation from the first day worked. Accruals for a pay period will not be posted to an employee’s record until the pay period has ended, which will prohibit charging vacation against accruals earned in the same period in which the leave is taken. Accruals will be based on factors which were computed by dividing the number of vacation hours accrued per year by the number of working hours in the fiscal year (2080). Ex.15 days = 120/2080 = .057692

Years of ServiceAccrual Rate (per compensable hour)  Vacation Days (per year) Working at 100% time
Less than 5 years  .05769215
5 but less than 10 years  .06923118
  10 or more years.08076921

Classified Exempt Employees
Full-time regular exempt employees who are not members of the general faculty shall accrue vacation as follows, according to his/her length of service.

Years of Service Accrual Rate (hours per month) Vacation Days (per year) Working at 100% time
 Less than 5 years10 15
5 but less than 10 years1218
10 or more years1421

Research Faculty, Academic Faculty, General Faculty, and Post Doctoral Fellows
Full-time, regular fiscal year employees who are members of the research and general faculty, as well as post-doctoral fellows, shall earn 21 working days vacation per year, accrued at the rate of 14 hours per month.

A regular employee who accrues vacation while working on sponsored research within instructional units is encouraged to take all vacation accrued prior to the expiration of the sponsored research.

Research faculty who are working shared time with another Georgia Tech department shall also accrue vacation time in an equivalent ratio to his/her percentage of time worked within the home department and the shared department. Prior to the end of the shared period, the employee must take all vacation accrued in the shared unit. The employee is responsible for reporting vacation time accurately.

Academic faculty from an academic unit who are appointed on a nine-month basis do not accrue vacation during the academic year.

Twelve-month academic faculty (working under a fiscal contract) who are working shared time with another department shall accrue vacation time in a ratio to his/her percentage of time worked with the shared department. Prior to the end of the shared period, the employee must take all vacation accrued within that unit. The employee is responsible for reporting vacation time accurately.

When research faculty members transfer to other Georgia Tech units, the liability for accrued vacation will normally be transferred along with the faculty member to his/her new administrative unit. Faculty members changing from a fiscal year contract to an academic year contract shall be paid their accrued vacation time subject to the 45-day maximum payment restriction upon termination of the fiscal year contract.

Vacation: Transfer between Institutions
Upon a move between University System institutions, with no break in service, an employee must transfer accrued vacation leave of between 1 and 20 days (160 hours). For employees with accrued vacation leave of greater than 20 days (160 hours), the employee may elect one of the following options:

  1. Transfer of the total accrued vacation balance, not to exceed 45 days (360 hours)
  2. Transfer of 20 days (160 hours) accrued vacation and payment by the Institution from which the employee is moving of accrued vacation greater than 20 days (160 hours). The total accrued vacation for which the employee may be paid shall not exceed 25 days (200 hours).

Vacation hours will not be accepted for an employee who moves from a State of Georgia agency to the University System of Georgia.



The responsibilities each party has in connection with Vacation are:

Party Responsibility
 AVP-OHREnsure compliance with policy.
PayrollOffer assistance with policy interpretation and administer policy.
OHR ConsultancyOffer assistance with policy interpretation.