5.1 Subawards and Subcontracts Under Sponsored Awards Policy

5.1 Subawards and Subcontracts Under Sponsored Awards Policy
Type of Policy
Policy No
Effective Date
Last Revised
Review Date
Policy Owner
Sponsored Programs, Office of
Contact Name
Associate Vice President for Research Administration
Contact Email
Reason for Policy

The Georgia Institute of Technology (the Institute) is responsible for implementing and maintaining internal controls that provide reasonable assurance of Institute compliance with sponsor requirements for management and monitoring of the Subawards and Subcontracts it issues under its Sponsored Awards. Federal regulations require accurate classification between subawards and procurement actions as the federal regulations applicable to management of subawards are different from those applicable to procurement actions. State laws, however, address both as contracts. This policy addresses the federal requirement to distinguish between subawards and procurement actions and supports compliance with state laws applicable to contracts.

Policy Statement

The Institute must fulfill its Pass-Through Entity responsibilities when including Subawards in proposed Sponsored Awards. PI/PDs and unit administrators must identify Subawards, as defined in this Policy, in proposed budgets and budget revisions, to ensure that costs are calculated correctly, sponsor approval is obtained, and appropriate documentation is included in the Institute’s proposal. 

When it is the Pass-Through Entity, the Institute is responsible for:

  • Assessing the substance of the relationship between the Institute and the entity to which it is flowing through Sponsored Award funding;
  • Based on the above assessment, following federal guidelines for accurate classification of Subawards (2 CFR 200.331 Subrecipient and contractor determinations); and
  • For identified Subawards, complying with federal and sponsor-specific requirements for Subrecipient management and monitoring, including:
    • 2 CFR 200 Subpart D - Subrecipient Monitoring and Management
    • Terms and conditions of prime awards including applicable sponsor regulations (e.g. Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR)) and requirements.

For purposes of this policy, Subawards include Subcontracts the Institute issues under its sponsored Contracts if they meet the Institute’s criteria for accurate classification of Subawards. Such agreements issued under federal Contracts are subject, also, to the FAR and any applicable funding agency supplemental regulations. The State of Georgia considers all agreements for goods and services to be contracts and, therefore, the Institute must also comply with state procurement requirements in issuing and managing Subawards. 

The Institute’s procurement Contracts and other purchases of supplies and service that do not meet the Institute’s criteria for accurate classification of Subawards are not subject to this policy.


This policy applies to all Georgia Tech Faculty and Staff engaged in research or administration of research.

Policy Terms
ContractAn instrument to acquire property or services for the direct benefit or use of the funder. The Institute receives Contracts that are Sponsored Awards and issues Contracts to acquire property or services.
Contract/VendorAn entity that provides property or services for the direct benefit or use of the Institute. Contractor/Vendor agreements must comply with Institute procurement policies.
Pass-Through EntityAn entity that provides a Subaward to a Subrecipient to carry out part of a Sponsored Award.
Sponsored AwardGrant, Contract or other incoming sponsored agreement.
SubawardAn award provided by the Institute to a Subrecipient for the Subrecipient to carry out part of the Institute’s Sponsored Award. For purposes of this policy, a Subaward includes Subcontracts issued by the Institute under its sponsored Contracts when they meet the criteria for a Subaward. It does not include Institute payments to a Contractor (Vendor).
SubcontractAll agreements issued under FAR-based Contracts are Subcontracts. For purposes of this policy, those meeting the criteria for a Subaward are classified as Subawards and others are classified as procurement Contracts.
SubrecipientAn entity that receives a Subaward from a PassThrough Entity to carry out part of a Sponsored Award.

The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP)
OSP is responsible for ensuring the Institute’s Subrecipient Monitoring and Management policies are sufficient for the Institute to fulfill its responsibilities for compliance with sponsor requirements, including definitions and guidelines to accurately distinguish between Subawards and procurement agreements. 

OSP, Grants and Contracts Accounting, Principal Investigators/Project Directors, unit administrators and other research administrators and personnel are responsible for following this policy and related guidance to accurately classify Subawards and identify them in the Institute’s proposal budgets.


Noncompliance may result in disallowed Subaward costs, suspension or termination of the Sponsored Award, withholding of other Sponsored Awards to the principal investigator or the Institute, and debarment of the PI or the Institute from receiving future Sponsored Awards.

Policy History
Revision DateAuthorDescription
12-31-2013Office of Sponsored ProgramsNew Policy
07-08-2024Office of Sponsored ProgramsPolicy was updated to remove procedures, clarify roles and responsibilities.