2.7 Advance Project Number

2.7 Advance Project Number
Type of Policy
Policy No
Effective Date
Last Revised
Review Date
Policy Owner
Sponsored Programs, Office of
Contact Name
Cynthia Hope
Contact Title
Associate Vice President for Research Administration
Contact Email
Policy Statement

The Georgia Tech Advance Project Number Policy permits the establishment of an account to which expenses may be charged on behalf of an anticipated program prior to receipt of a grant or execution of an agreement, but only when there is strong evidence a proposed sponsor intends to fund the project and will recognize that funds will be expended in advance of the final agreement start date. In general, only charges incurred within 90 days of the start date of the project will be recognized by federal sponsors.

All Advance Project expenditures are guaranteed by the department>.

Once issued, the Advance Project Number will become the Project Number and stay with the project throughout its life and will not change.

All expenses charged to an Advanced Project must be for costs that will be allowable when the agreement is finalized.


This policy applies to all Georgia Tech faculty and staff members.

3.1 Advance Project Number Requests
Advance Project Number Form Requests for an Advance Project Number are submitted to the Office of Sponsored Programs on a Request for Advance Project Number Form.
Submission of Advance Project Number Form to OSP Upon receipt of the completed request for an Advance Project Number, the OSP Contracting Officer will obtain confirmation that the sponsor intends to authorize the work, negotiate contract terms and conditions in good faith, and that the agreement effective date has been established such that any advance project charges will be allowable and recoverable from the sponsor.
Approved Request for Advance Project Number Form OSP will distribute copies of the approved Request for Advance Project Number Form, which includes the following information:
  • the project number assigned
  • the amount of advance funding authorized
  • the approved advance project time period
Policy History
Revision Date Author Description
1-2-2014 OSP Rev 1.0