2.4 Policy on Routing
2.4 Policy on RoutingIt is the policy of Georgia Tech that all proposals for sponsored funding must be transmitted to the Office of Sponsored Programs using the Georgia Institute of Technology Sponsored Program / Research Proposal Authorization Routing Form. All information blocks on the front of the form must be completed and all required approvals on the back of the form must be obtained by the proposed Project Director/Principal Investigator. The routing form is also required for electronically routed proposals, such as those submitted to the National Science Foundation (NSF) via FastLane.* In these cases, the PD/PI is to provide the properly signed routing form to the Contracting Officer prior to the NSF deadline.
Policies on submission:
- The Electronic Submission Policy: proposals that are to be submitted by an electronic means need to be ready to be released to the sponsor 24 hours prior to submission deadline and additionally, it needs to be ready for OSP review 2 days prior to that. This includes electronic submissions via a dedicated online system or via email.
- Paper copies must be in OSP by 2pm the day it needs to be submitted otherwise it will be processed the next business day.
Signature Authority & Proposal Submission
The Office of Sponsored Programs is the unit legally authorized to approve proposals and negotiates awards on behalf of Georgia Tech Research Corporation (GTRC) and Georgia Tech Applied Research Corporation (GTARC). OSP is also the Authorized Organizational Representative to Sponsors that require such a role. The PI or Project Director is not considered an authorizing official and cannot legally sign award documents. For more information, go to:http://www.osp.gatech.edu/proposal-process/
This policy applies to all Georgia Tech faculty and staff members.
3.1 Routing Procedures | |
Pre-proposals, Letters of Intent (LOI) & White Papers only need to be reviewed and approved by OSP if: 1. The pre-proposal, LOI & White Paper must be submitted by an authorizing official (AOR) through an electronic submission process; 2. A detailed budget is required; or 3. The sponsor requires that the pre-proposal be signed by an authorizing official. | |
In addition to a new proposal submission, an OSP Routing form is required for the following types of proposals:
| |
Requests for carryover of funds from one budget period to another, no-cost extensions, and requests to rebudget after the grant has been funded do not require a routing form. Non-financial requests that require the signature of the institutional official also do not require a routing form.
3.2 Post Application Submissions | |
NIH – Just in Time (JIT) | http://era.nih.gov/services_for_applicants/application_tracking_and_award/just_in_time-at-nih.cfm |
Other agency requests may include: | 1. Budget questions/revisions
2. Questions regarding the scope of work 3. Research Compliance Approvals (IRB, IACUC, etc.) 3. Research Compliance Approvals (IRB, IACUC, etc.) |
Revision Date | Author | Description |
1-2-2014 | OSP | Rev 1.0 |
2.4.1 Post Application Submissions
2.4.1 Post Application Submissions s1policsNIH – Just in Time (JIT) - http://era.nih.gov/services_for_applicants/application_tracking_and_award/just_in_time-at-nih.cfm
Other agency requests may include:
- Budget questions/revisions
- NSF Budget Impact Statement. If asked to reduce the overall budget there is an obvious need to indicate that there is an impact to the budget.
- Questions regarding the scope of work
- Research Compliance Approvals (IRB, IACUC, etc.)